The Violets Season

Welcome back my dear reader! My love for nature and its wonders is growing to such a speed that I have forgot to post my monthly blog in July and August is almost gone.. He! He!

So coming back to plants, there are so many that I have progressively started to love and introduce in my daily use. Today, my focus is on one of my favourite weed from my garden: the sweet violet (Viola Odorata). It’s in season at the moment and delights the eye as well as the smell.

But little did we know that the sweet violets, flowers and leaves, are edible as well as have medicinal properties. Their extravagant perfume has been appreciated by many in the past history. It is said that Napoleon Bonaparte was attracted by the soothing sweet aroma that makes one smile. He was known to his supporters the Corporal Violet.

A snippet about Napoleon’s love for violets: Violets are native to the Mediterranean, including Napoleon’s home island of Corsica. Therefore he would have been very familiar with the adorable happy little hardy flowers. Perhaps he may as well have picked violet bouquets for his mother as a boy. What we know for sure from history books is that the sweet scent of violets was the favourite fragrance of his first wife, Josephine. Not only she wore violets on her wedding day but every year, on the anniversary of their marriage, Napoleon sent her a bouquet of violets. Napoleon would wear a perfume specially made for him with violet base. (Kane, 2015)

According to the “doctrine of Signatures” herbs will have the shape, color, texture of the organ/system are good to use as remedy. In the case of the Viola, it resembles the heart shape; therefore it would mend an emotionally broken heart. Since time immemorial this humble, yet powerful plant has been used for many ailments. Current research on Viola demonstrated that its chemical constituents, in the form of alkaloids, salicylate, saponin, mucilage, or vitamin C are responsible for the acclaimed therapeutic applications (Chandra 2015) including:

  • Heart tonic both emotional as well as for physical pain;
  • Respiratory conditions;
  • Purification of the blood;
  • Treatment of skin bruises, acne or rashes.

So how can we use the plant to gain such powerful benefits?

I will share two of my favs:

A word of caution: this is a VERY powerful plant: one must use it with care in very small quantities: the saponin component from the plant may cause some stomach for some people.

#1 Violet Tea

  • Infuse 1 teaspoon of dried violet flowers in a 250 grams of warm water;
  • Let it sit for a good 20 minute;

This tea is useful to stimulate the lymphatic flow and aid the liver in purifying the blood. Furthermore it helps expectorate mucus when respiratory problems are present. Additionally, if consumed before bed time, the aroma of the flowers calms the nervous system and helps the mind to quiet down for a restful sleep.

# 2 Violet Flower Fermented Cooling Drink

This one is a very old recipe I learned of from my grandmother.


  • One cup clean sweet violets (viola odorata);
  • 3 Litres of water preferably boiled and cooled;
  • 5 table spoon of honey;
  • The juice from one lemon or a table spook of Apple cider vinegar;


  • Place all ingredients in a 4 litre wide open jar and let it rest/ferment at room temperature for 7-10 days.
  • Decant and distribute the syrup in flip-top bottles and place the bottles in a safe place to ferment further for up to five days or drink immediately. CAUTION: fermentation will happen more quickly in warmer temperatures. Carefully ensure that all bottles are checked for the carbonation level and release the carbon dioxide during this time. Store the bottles in a cool place.

This drink is wonderful to clear heat and detoxify.

What a great gift we have with this little purple flower.

Disclaimer: I am a qualified holistic wellness, herbalist aromatherapist and nutrition guide; I am not a medical doctor or nurse and do not play one on the internet. Always check with a doctor or medical professional if a medical need arises.


Chandra, et al. Curent research in Chemistry,2015, 7:44-52, Phytochemical and Ethnomedicinal Uses of Family Violaceae,

Kane, 2015, The Return of Corporal Violet

Time Tested Cold Relievers

Grandma’s Aromatic Cold Cure

Last night’s cold temperature reminded me of a bitter experience I had in my early youth. I was commuting to my job by bus in another town about 12 km distance away. The temperature reached minus 23 degrees Celsius. After several stops, the buss wouldn’t start. Ouch! We were caught between the two towns: with phenomenal view of majestic frozen mountains on both sides of the road. The driver suggested that we better start walking. So we did. We had walked about 4 km to get to the first house in the town where my job was. When the journey came to an end, my nostrils and left eye were almost frozen. Imagine the rest…..

Ok .. Ok I admit, I was way out of my thermal comfort back then.

Anyway, if you are living in Melbourne, you know that one cannot have this sort of experience. So why did I feel it was so cold?

Aha! You guessed: is all about personal thermal comfort. Meaning whatever I am comfortable in my own skin. Sometimes 14 degrees Celsius are just fine while other times not. That is because the thermal comfort is a subjective evaluation of what thousands of thermal skin sensors communicate to the nervous and endocrine system. Interestingly, the thermal skin sensors are distributed unequally on the body, with more sensors in the exposed regions of the body: feet, ankles, hands, wrists, neck, face and head. Therefore, having one or more of these regions exposed to the outdoor weather is linked to how cold/hot the body feels.

But would feeling cold make you getting the cold?

Feeling cold and catching a cold are not necessarily directly related. Even though colds and other respiratory illnesses are more prevalent in the colder months, it does not mean that they are caused by it. More likely, we get them because we might be tired, under emotional stress or lacking some essential minerals and vitamins. Colds are caused by a group of viruses referred to as rhinoviruses.

Best way to stay healthy this cold season is to keep the hands clean and avoid touching the nose, eyes or the face with unwashed hands. If the unavoidable happened and the cold signs (runny nose, scratchy throat, and nonstop sneezing) are developing, relax and read on. Grandma’s recipes are at hand.

Important to remember that the remedies provided here rarely cause adverse effects: some can inhibit viruses while other can alleviate cold symptoms. It is up to you to choose and educate yourself about what works best for you.

I share here three of my best ways to unbug yourself: the easy way: on your pocket as well as on your body.

#1 Decongestant Aromatic Herbal Bath

This is my absolute favourite and is an old fashioned remedy for colds. You can either brew a strong tea using the herbs below or use their essential oils (about 2 drops of each) to the bath.

In a large 5 l pot bring to boil water with:

  • 2 cups eucalyptus leaves
  • ½ cup of thyme leaves
  • 1 cup of rosemary leaves
  • 1cup of peppermint leaves

Cover and let it rest for about 5 min. Strain out the herbs and pour the solution in the bath making sure that the water is not too hot (about 40degrees Celsius ).

#2 Boost the Immune System with the Humble Chicken Soup

Slow cook a chicken soup with my secret ingredient.


  • 1 medium chicken
  • 3-4 carrots
  • 1 parsnip
  • 1 medium onion
  • ½ celeriac root
  • 1-2 cloves fresh garlic
  • 8 – 10 black peppercorns
  • 2cm fresh ginger
  • Secret ingredient: shiitake mushrooms (lentinus edodes).

Since ancient times, (as early as AD60 by Pedacius Dioscorides, Roman surgeon under Nero) the chicken soup was considered the ultimate cold and flu fighter and a tested way to boost your own immune system. Today’s deep science understandings enable us to also know why. The trick with it is to cook the chicken as slow as possible in a slow cooker. By cooking for longer time at relatively low temperature, the soup has multiple benefits as listed in Table 1.

Table 1. The chicken soup: more than just another hot liquid.

Effect Reason
Increases mucus flow (Saketkhoo, et al 1978)
antioxidants Carrots, onions (Suileria et al 2015)
Prevents dehydration Parsnip- important source of potassium
Metabolism enhancer Black pepper
Blocks the attachment and internalisation of human respiratory syncytial virus (HRSV) Ginger is an effective element against virus (HRSV) infections (Chang et al., 2003) –
less dietary glycotoxins
Cooking the foods using intense heat, causes the sugars to bind with proteins (e.a. collagen and elastin fibers) to form glycotoxins. The visual evidence of this termo-chemical reaction is the browning observed in food cooked above 110 degrees Celsius. The cookies and cake in the oven, the chicken on the grill, and the potatoes in the frying pan are all browning as a result of dietary glycotoxins.
Antiviral properties garlic’s sulfur-potentially has a role here (Cochrane Library 2014)
Tonic to the immune system Shiitake mushrooms possess substances called polysaccharides that stimulate the immune system by increasing the body’s production of antiviral substance interferon.(Gunawardena, et al, 2014)

Feel free to add any other herbs. Experimenting is key in cooking!

#3 Aromatic Herbal Remedies and Inhalations

A plethora of teas are available in health shops and pharmacy. My current choice of herbal remedies is based on taste as well as scientific evidence. The following combination provides a nice, fresh and sweet taste that is pleasant either hot or cold.

Peppermint (Mentha piperita)

This herb’s essential oil is used as nasal decongestant and inhalants. It affects the bronchial smooth muscle cells (Meamarbashy et al, 2014) as well as it can be used in combating nausea even in pregnancy (Gordon & Love, 2018). In fact, the essential oil can be used in a diluted form on the temples to reduce headaches (making sure that the eyes are well protected).

Ginger (Zingiber officinale)

Ginger blends well with many other herbs. It is also very versatile as it can be used in fresh and dried form equally. Ginger can be boiled for tea, in soups or stir-fries with equal effect. As it is a warming plant, avoid using when high fever is present.

Liquorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra)

Licorice root is commonly used in alternative medicine to treat colds and sore throats. However, licorice does not only act upon the respiratory system(Gulati et al 2016). It can also be soothing to the gut and work as an effective liver cleanser and blood detoxifier when combined with other herbs. Licorice will sweeten the tea due glycyrrhizin, a compound that can be up to 50 times sweeter than sugar. This sweet compound inhibits tissue inflammation, reduces oxidative stress and has significant anti-inflammatory properties. No wonder it has been heralded as the “go to” herb when cold season hits in so many cultures around the Globe (Ancient Greeks, China, India). Use the tea for maximum a week only as to avoid overdosing on glycyrrhiza (50 times sweeter than sugar). More about licorice is summarised in the (American Botanical Council).

For more information on how to aromatically keep the cold at bay using diet, herbs and aromatic essential oils, contact us.

Disclaimer: I am not a medical doctor or nurse and do not play one on the internet. Always check with a doctor or medical professional if a medical need arises.]


Chang et al., 2003, J Ethnopharmacol., 9;145(1):146-51.

Cochrane Library,2014, Garlic for the common (cold.

Gordon and Love, 2018, Chapter 54:Nausea and Vomiting in Pregnancy Pages 542-549, in Integrative Medicine, 4th Edition. Ed. Rakel D Elsevier Inc. (

Gulati et al, 2016, Nutraceuticals in Respiratory Disorders, in Nutraceuticals: Efficacy, Safety and Toxicity, Ed Gupta, Elsevier Inc.


Gunawardena et al, 2014 Food Chem. 1;148:92-6. (

Licorice Root – American Botanical Council

Meamarbashy, 2014, Avicenna J Phytomed., 4(1): 72–78.

Suileria et al, 2015, Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr.;55(1):50-66.,

Saketkhoo et al, 1978; Chest. 74(4):408-10.

Grounded in LOVE with Essential Oils

Rose Petals Phase Mask and Face Mist

I love roses. Do you? If you received so many roses, and don’t know what to do with them read on.

Since I was a child, I learned to appreciate the rose petals beyond their fragile appearance and the exquisite smell. We used rose petals in flavouring the salt or the sugar, we made jam and used them in cooling drinks during the hot summer days. However, this blog is not about the culinary uses of roses. This is the subject of our Nutrition Therapy Blog to be launched soon. Today’s blog is about the Beautifying properties using Rose Petals and Rose Essential oil.

Specifically, I will outline a two of my favourite ways to use rose oil and rose petals for beauty’s sake. It needs to be noted that reference is only made to the Rose Damask type (Rosa damascena), from which the Rose essential oil is extracted.

Favourite # 1

Rose Petal Hydrosol

  • Can be made at home but requires a large amount of petals
  • It is best if it is purchased from a reputable supplier
  • Works wonders as a personal mist spray, similar to the one described in the previous blog
  • The aroma-therapeutic benefits include but are not limited to: excellent hydrating, energising and cooling properties, naturally fragrance that is soothing and helps the regeneration of the skin.
  • Can be emulsified to make your own moisturizer
  • Can be used as a skin toner
  • Can be used in cooking as a flavouring agent
  • Has antimicrobial, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities that are confirmed by centuries of use and current research (Mahboubi, 2015)

Favourite #2

Rose Petal Phase Mask includes the use of essential oils. Essentially the mask would target the skin type.

Ingredients: A handful of fresh rose petals if available, else dried petals are always available 1 table spoon of raw honey 1 drop of Rose Essential oil 1 table spoon of White Kaolin Clay 2 table spoons Rose Floral water. The use of more or less water would result in the paste being thicker or thinner. The choice is yours.
Procedure If using fresh petals chop them finely then use a mortar and pestle to grind them well. Add the rest of the ingredients and apply it gently on the face using a fine brush. Rest for about 15 min or until the mask starts to dry but is not fully dried Remove gently with warm water. Enjoy.
BIBI Therapy of this as a Signature Facial Treatment, details Radiance Facial Treatment

For more information on how to formulate your own face mask using essential oils, contact us.


Mahboubi, 2015, J Tradit Complement Med. 2015 Oct 30;6(1):10-6.

Super-Refreshing Natural Homemade Cooling Mist

Beat the Summer Heat in Style

It’s summer is hotter who knows to keep cooler? I know a way and it’s a spray I hope you’d like and make it straightway.

Well, so far the summer, here in Melbourne has hit us all with its beautiful hot air to the point that in some places even the electricity failed to keep up with the demand.

While having thermal comfort provided by an air conditioning environment is considered a privileged commodity in the 21st century; little do we really know about the diverse indoor air pollutants (e.g. toxins, microbes) that may cause tangible discomfort to our health (Samet and Spengler, 2003).

BIBI Therapy advocates a more holistic approach to keeping cool while achieving odour comfort as well. It is truly simple as well as it is beneficial to the skin microbiome.

The reader has the choice to opt whichever way is suitable for the given individual’s health situation.

My preferred cooling way is using a water/based sprits that I prepare using various herb hydrosols. Some of the advantages making your own mist spray are outlined below:

  • The use of the essential oils in the spray form directly on the skin, keep the sweaty skin free of bacteria and germs;
  • The Peppermint or spearmint oil helps invigorate you with the soft refreshing and cooling properties
  • It is safe to use directly on the skin for the entire family; avoid contact with the eye;
  • The aloe Vera keeps the skin hydrated and helps with any sun exposed regions;
  • It calms the redness and inflammation on acne prone skin
  • It can act as a pH balancer on the skin if it is sprayed on the face, avoiding eye region. Follow with rosehip oil to moisturise for better results.
  • Free from alcohol Palm oil, parabens, mineral oil, synthetic fragrance or colour.

To make the mist just follow the instruction provided below:

Ingredients:Basic Liquid: Lavender hydrosol(10ml) with 100 ml water
Basic Essential Oils: Peppermint or Spearmint 10 drops, Lemongrass Oil 5 drops, Lavender oil 5 drops
Extra Essential Oils: 3 drops of Vetiver or Sandal wood for added perfume benefits
Sage – This will help reduce activity in the sweat glands, which is one of the main causes of body odour.
Aloe Vera Gel
Procedure:Combine the oil with Aloe Vera gel than add the hydrosol and water.
Shake well.
Storage:Store in a glass spritzer bottle to keep the aroma fresh and potent.
For extra cooling effects keep in the fridge.
Use within 2 to 3 weeks of preparation and store in the fridge.
Do not add alcohol as it is drying to the skin.

For more information on how to formulate your own face mist using essential oils, leave a comment below!


If you have a sensitive skin, make sure you conduct a patch test before you splash essential oils under your armpit. Check with your family Doctor before attempting to use any essential oil. This is especially important if you are pregnant, nursing or undertaking any special medication including homeopathic medication.


The information and reference guides provided by BIBI Therapy are intended solely for the general information. Please seek advice from a specialist or your health care provider if you require any advice on medications.


Samet and Spengler, Am. J. Public Health 2003, 93(9): 1489-1493

Turn Pain into Potential with Aromatherapy The Antinociceptive Activity of Some Essential Oils

Let’s talk about pain; this debilitating and frustrating condition that, when it hits the body, creates not only emotional or mental uneasiness, but, above all it impacts the body’s ability to heal. So, instead of rushing to the chemist and get the conventional painkiller, consider the powerful form of plant based natural pain remedy offered by some very specific essential oils that are also beneficial for the skin microbiome, in general. Relieving pain is just one of the amazing powers packed into a small bottle of essential oil: they provide enticing awakening aromas that help reduce inflammation, anxiety and stress. However, their potency should never be underestimated; they should be used with great caution and avoided during pregnancy or on very young children unless you consulted a certified aromatherapist.

Aromatherapy has started to be used as a valid intervention as pain management and various studies, including clinical trials are validating the miraculous powers of single oils or blends of oils. The table below outlines a few essential oils and their use in the current aromatherapy management procedures

Table 1. Antinociceptive activity of some common essential oils used in BIBI Therapy practice.


Essential Oil/Latin Name Antinociceptive Activity Source

Citrus bergamia

Alleviates pain, including chronic pain (Scuteri et al, 2018)

Piper nigrum L

Reduces Pain (Zhang et al 2014)
Thyme Anti-inflammatory, antioxidant (Goncales et al, 2017)

Mentha spicata

Analgesic for the pain treatment in osteoarthritis;

Reduces tension headaches and pain;

Relaxes the muscles, reduces tension headaches and pain in fibromyalgia;

(Mahboubi, 2017)

Gaultheria procumbens

Pain relieving activity well known to Native Americans;

Antioxidant, energizing and immune-enhancing and lowers inflammation and reduces pain;

Commonly used in the topical treatment of arthritis and muscle or nerve pain;

Very strong oil that requires dilution before application

(Mercola, 2016)


For more information on how to formulate your own pain relief blend Sign up here


If you have a sensitive skin, make sure you conduct a patch test before you splash essential oils on your body. Furthermore, dilute 2-3 drops with a teaspoon of carrier oil of your choice and remember to check with your family Doctor before attempting to use any essential oil. This is especially important if you are pregnant, nursing or undertaking any special medication including homeopathic medication.


BIBI Therapy does not offer a cure for pain. The information and reference guides are intended solely for the general information. Please seek advice from a specialist or your health care provider if you require any advice on medications.


Scuteri et al, Curr Med Chem. 2018, Mar 6

Mahboubi, Complement Ther Clin Pract. 2017; 26: 1-4

Goncales, et al, Pharm Biol. 2017: 55(1):782-786

Zhang et al, J Oleo Sci, 2014: 63: (12):1251-60

Mercola, 2016

Turn Body Stench to Salubrious Skin Beating the Body Odour Smell

Bromhidrosis or body odour is a specific smell an individual has, due to bacterial overgrowth on the skin. The smell is often unpleasant and is related to the specific secretion of sudoriferous (sweat) glands. Most commonly it comprises pheromones, substances that make our unique personal scent.

One’s body odour gets worse under certain conditions, increased bacterial activity due to over sweating as well as a sign of disease (S1). Although, the sweat glands are distributed on various parts of the body (not described here) the unpleasant odour is often localised within the armpit area.

Sweaty Armpit

What can be done to alleviate the problem that may affect your social/work relationships as well as causing psychological distress?

Typical therapy options include:

  • The use of germicidal soap to control the bacterial biofilm;
  • Regular shaving of underarm;
  • The use of antibacterial garments, impregnated with silver or copper;
  • The use of crystal deodorants – that is chunks of salt applied immediately after showering;
  • Surgery or botox injections;
  • And more recently underarm microbial transplants (S2)*

Of course, BIBI Therapy recommends first you try natural therapies. Particularly, it praises the use of essential oils as they have proven benefits for the skin microbiome, in general.

When dealing with a lot of Body Odour the most acceptable antiseptic and anti-bacterial essential oils according to Valerie Ann Worwood are: Lavender, Pine, Thyme, Eucalyptus, Lemon and Bergamot (S3). Not only, using these oils is beneficial for the skin, but you can also formulate your own Deodorant powder or eau de colognes even create your own perfume in an easy way.

You can take control of all aromatic requirements if maintaining natural purity free of any harmful chemicals is important for you.

For more information on how to formulate your own deodorant or perfume, let’s stay connected!


If you have a sensitive skin, make sure you conduct a patch test before you splash essential oils under your armpit. Furthermore, dilute 2-3 drops with a teaspoon of carrier oil of your choice and remember to check with your family Doctor before attempting to use any essential oil. This is especially important if you are pregnant, nursing or undertaking any special medication including homeopathic medication.


BIBI Therapy does not offer a cure for bromhidrosis. The information and reference guides are intended solely for the general information. Please seek advice from a specialist or your health care provider if you require any advice on medications.

* Dr Chris Callewaert, known as Dr Armpit, plans new clinical trials this year, February-April 2018, in Belgium. Contact at if interested.


S1 M J Olsson et al, (2014), Psychological Science, 25 (3): 817-823,

S2 C Calewaert et al (2013), Plos One, August 2013 ,

S3 Valerie Ann Worwood, The Fragrant Pharmacy: A complete guide to Aromatherapy & Essential Oils, London, 1991

Summer is Here! So are the Insects! What Choices Do We Have Using Essential Oils?

The Larvicidal Activity of some Essential Oils –

Did you know that some Essential oils have larvicidal activity?

Larvicidal activity is an insecticide designed to kill larval pests. That means it can be used to literaly kill the larvae of the mosquito too. This is really cool when one thinks that some essential oils can be used for this purpose.

For example Ajowan (Trachyspermum ammi) and Peru balsam (Myroxylon pereira) oils can be used to treat and eliminate the mosquito larvae with an enviable efficiency 97.5% (S1)

Ajwain or Ajowan ( is a plant used as a spice mostly in the Indian cuisine: deliciously blending it with green beans and root vegetables or steamed cabbage. Research into the properties of the essential oil extracted from this interesting spice shows that its components (Thymol, phenolic compounds) are strongly germicide and antispasmodic (S2).

In the table below are some oils that can be used safely for the purpose described above.

Above all, keep safe, cool and have a great a great Christmas.

Essential Oil Activity Source
Larvicidal Repellent
Sweet Orange

(Citrus sinensis)

American basil

(Ocimum americanum)

Yes Yes
Clove Basil or African basil

(Ocimum gratissimum)

Lemon grass

(Cymbopogon citratus)


(Trachyspermum ammi)

Prevents mosquito eggs from hatching

Mosquito larvae as well as some cockroaches

All spice

(Pimenta dioica),

Kills Japanese termites S5

(Carum carvi),

Kills Japanese termites S5

(Anethum graveolens),

Kills Japanese termites Yes S5

(Pelargonium graveolens)

Kills Japanese termites Yes S5


S1S J Agr and Food Chem, 2012 May: 60 (23), pp 5909–5914, DOI 10.1021/jf301296d,

S2 Int J Infect. 2014 July: 2(1):e19394,

S4 Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, 2004 Aug: 99(5), 541-544.

S5 J. Agric. Food Chem., 2009, 57 (15), pp 6596–6602,



Always test is you are allergic to any of the oils you intend using. See Blog: Allergies testing. Use dilutions of one teaspoon with 5-6 drops of essential oil.

Furthermore, dilute 2-3 drops with a teaspoon of carrier oil of your choice and remember to check with your family Doctor before attempting to use any essential oil. This is especially important if you are pregnant, nursing or undertaking any special medication.

Skin – What can Essential Oils Do for my Skin and the Trillion Living on It Essential Oils and the Skin’s Microbiome

Your skin is the ultimate physical barricade between the outside environment and your Health.

How can we best maintain this important organ and the trillion organisms living on it, in balance so that we keep our internal chemistry of life running as joyfully and pain free possible?

While the answer of this question is rather long, I will make a short summary on how to go about it capitalising on the powers of generally recognized as safe Essential oil.

Essential oils create a smooth biofilm on the skin that can help to

  • Slow down the loss of connective tissue: Lavender Oil. The most potent of all skin protectors, soothing the worst of sun burn, this oil requires no further introduction.
  • Hydrate the skin like the jojoba oil. This oil has the same microscopic structure as the natural sebum secreted by the skin. Aging affects this secretion so the skin becomes dryer the hair becomes brittle. Apply undiluted on your skin as well as hair for a smooth healthier new YOU ( Meyer et al 2012)
  • Counteract the effect of photoaging: Frankincense. This oil has powerful astringent properties. Therefore it notifies the skin and heals wounds due to exposure to the harmful sun rays. Use diluted ( 5 drops in a teaspoon of carrier oil)
  • Alleviate fungal/bacterial infections ( Athlete’s foot, Nail bed infection, other fungal issues)
Fungal infection Essential oil Source
Tinea (Trichophyton rubrum) and onychomycosis (T. mentagrophytes )infection Tea Tree (Melaleuca alternifolia)

Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia)

Cassella et al, 2002
Candida albicans Lavender Thosar, et al. 2013
Escherichia coli

Staphylococcus aureus


Tea tree


Thosar, et al.2013


How else can one nurture and have a healthy glowing skin?

  • By getting dirty. Yes that’s right get out and do some gardening with your bare hands or in other words let some of the soil based organisms get in touch with your skin. This way the skin microbiome (Grice & Segre 2011), i.e. the milieu diverse microorganisms living on the skin, will be enabled to do its job at its highest level.
  • Stay away or even ditch the harsh antibacterial skin soaps, use them only when pathogen situations strictly require;
  • Laundering clothes won’t kill the bacteria harboured within so make sure you dry the clothes in the sun;


Cassella et al, 2002, Int. J. Aromatherapy, 12 (1) 2-15,

Grice and Segre, 2011, Nat Rev Microbiol. 9(4): 244–253,

Meyer et al, 2012, Forsch Komplementmed.,

Thosar et al, 2013, Eur J Dent. 2013 Sep; 7(Suppl 1): S71–S77,


The information on this website has not been evaluated by any medical body.

Please consult your doctor before acting on any content on this website. The information shared here is for educational purposes only. This is especially important if you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition.

Allergies Seasonal Allergies – What can Essential Oils Do for YOU

Are you suffering from occasional allergies in spring or early summer?

Read this first:

There are risks and potential complications of using essential oils: this is particularly true for allergic prone people

  1. Pain, swelling, or tenderness of the skin;
  2. Itchiness;
  3. Hives, rash, or boils;
  4. Digestive upset;
  5. Difficulty breathing.

Essential oils can be used as an alternative or complementary treatment for allergy symptoms.

Before using the Essential oils BIBI Therapy always conducts an Allergy test reaction. Apply a small dose of essential oil (1–2 drops) diluted in 3–6 drops of carrier oil and apply to an inconspicuous area of skin (such as the abdomen, thigh, inner arm, etc.).

Allow the oil to fully absorb into your skin and then examine the area over the course of several hours. If any redness, pain, itchiness, swelling, or other adverse symptoms result, you may have sensitivity to that oil.

Aromatherapy can be used in various ways to assist you with this ailment:

  • diffusing them into the air;
  • using them in bath and spa products;
  • applying them onto the skin ( diluted);
  • or breathing them directly from a nasal container.

Picture of hand-test for allergies.
Allergy Testing