Invalidate Pain with Nutrition

Make Wellness Your Friend

Start feeling better from the inside out with BIBI Therapy!

As a chronic pain sufferer I know so well what PAIN is. While climbing the PAIN Mountain, I was often told: “Make pain your friend”.

I say to you “Make wellness your friend!” and you choose a lifestyle that leads to high energy levels, less body fatigue, decreased brain-fog and so much more.

With this Package You are uniquely empowered to adopt a lifestyle-plan where you learn how to nourish your body in a healthy way without depriving it. The Basic areas touched within it comprises:

  • Intensive, directed nutrition;
  • Scientifically validated approach;
  • Exclusive use of aromatic oils;
  • One-on-one working until you are satisfied with your results;
  • Sharing knowledge that empowers you;
  • Personalised solution to your unique situation;
  • Unparalleled use of services Nutrition, Herbalism and Aromatherapy.

This package is highly personalised, since pain has multiple causes, yet there are simple ways to Invalidate Pain. Whether is overcoming PMS, eliminate pesky headaches or ease tired muscles, the foods we eat have the potential to ease or accelerate the pain in our bodies.

This is something that you will discover if you decide to go on for this package.

Make sure that your Family doctor is aware of the diet changes you will undertake.

This is how you get all of the above:

  • one initial lifestyle/diet/health assessment (60 -90 minutes); @107/session;
  • one consultation with personalised recommendations (food choices, teas and nutritious treats (up to 45 min); @97/session;
  • one personalised aromatic-solution for your unique situation; @97/session;
  • Bonus: one follow-up consultation or a meal prep with me 14 days apart with additional recommendations (30 to 45 minutes);
  • Customized summaries of each session with actionable steps;

Price: pay per session $301 (107+97+97)

Or pay upfront payment for all three sessions @ $250 and save $51

Alternative Payments options.